MyModernHealth FAQs Series

Alzheimer's & Dementia

Alia Bucciarelli

ISBN:978-1-937585-53-2   (print)
Ebook: 978-1-937585-55-6   ($19.95)
Pub Date: August 2015
Specs: 6 x 9    Paperback (4 color) with DVD
Pages: 100 pp.
Price: $24.95

Mercury Learning eBook

Using a question–answer format, the book is designed to give caregivers, family members, and friends of people with Alzheimer’s disease easy access to the practical information they need to understand the symptoms, its treatment, and how to preserve quality of life. Alzheimer’s disease affects the brain and destroys memory and thinking skills over time. As many as five million adults in the U.S. have Alzheimer’s disease today, and that number will continue to grow as the population ages. Although Alzheimer’s disease was identified more than 100 years ago, it is only within the last 30 years that research into the disease has gained momentum. Much is left to discover, including the exact biological changes that cause it and how to reverse, slow, or prevent it. Alzheimer’s Disease provides straight-forward answers to common questions about the disease.



Alia Bucciarelli is a freelance health writer and adjunct instructor at Tufts University School of Medicine(Boston, MA).