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Hazardous Waste Management Second EditionHazardous Waste Management

Second Edition

Cliff VanGuilder

(Certified USEPA Hazardous Waste Inspector)

ISBN: 978-1-68392-229-2
Pub Date:  March 2018
Specs: 7 x 9   Paperback
Pages: 350
Price: $64.95


Assuming no previous knowledge, this second edition provides comprehensive coverage for a first course in hazardous waste management for civil, environmental engineers, and managers.  The update  includes material on the new USEPA revisions to the Solid and Hazardous Waste Regulations and the new e-Manifest Rule. It is written primarily for generators of hazardous waste with a primary emphasis on source reduction, waste minimization, reuse, and recycling before waste disposal. Numerous case studies from the field and clarification of regulations simplify this complex topic. The book provides guidance on how to determine the proper category of hazardous waste generators, with separate and distinct sets of requirements for the three different categories of generators, and gives basic supplemental guidance for transporters, storage, and disposal facilities. It covers proper completion of hazardous waste manifests and reports. The book explains record keeping, personnel training, and other requirements necessary to be in full compliance on inspections. A companion disc with regulatory forms, data is included.


1: A Brief History of Hazardous Waste. 2: Identification of Hazardous Waste. 3: Hazardous Waste Policy and Regulatory Requirements4: Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal5: Hazardous Waste Site Clean-Up Technologies. 6 : Air Pollution Control7: Wastewater Management8: Solid Waste Management. 9. Hazardous Waste Permits, Treatment, and Technology. 10: Hazardous Waste Record-Keeping Requirements. Conclusion. Appendix A: Glossary. Appendix B: USEPA Hazardous Waste Regulations. Appendix C:  Protocol for Conducting Environmental Compliance Audits for Hazardous Waste Generators Under RCRA. Appendix D: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Self-Assessment Tools. Appendix E: Answers to Even-Numbered Exercises. Index



(Companion files also available from the publisher)


Cliff VanGuilder is a licensed Professional Engineer with 20 years of experience as the Regional Solid & Hazardous Materials Engineer for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). He was certified as a hazardous waste inspector by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and NYSDEC.