The Web Wargame Toolkit

Paul Schuytema

ISBN: 978-1-938549-82-3
Pub Date:  May 2016
Specs: 7 x 9   Paperback with DVD
Pages: 400
Price: $39.95


This book walks readers through the process of crafting an old-school based wargame in PHP utilizing the CodeIgniter application framework.  Exploring both application development issues and game design development issues, the readers will work through database and code system design in order to craft functioning turn-based wargame. The wargame project serves as an exciting context for PHP programmers looking to game more in depth application coding experience.  Those with an interest in game development will learn the code skills to support design decisions as they create the game project.  The book assumes at least a beginning level of PHP coding experience, however, no previous CodeIgniter or game development experience is required.


  1. Includes full database design (SQL) for game data structures. The design give non-database programmers all the tools to move forward and a starting point for experienced SQL developers to add more depth to unit and map data structures.
  2. Includes a flexible game map system. This system can be the foundation upon which readers can move forward with their own game projects, be they a different form of hex-based wargame or other map-based game project.
  3. Includes a complete overview of a simple CRUD system. The model-controller-view CRUD system can easily be expanded and modified to tackle any “single table at a time” database manipulation problem.
  4. Includes complete source code for game. The complete source code - models, controllers and views, for the game at the center of the book is included and can be adapted and modified by the user.


1: Introduction 2. Thinking Through Our Wargame 3.Getting Your Feet Wet with CodeIgniter 4. Model-Controller-View Approach 5. Basics of Interface Design 6. User Authentication (Using and Expanding on BiAuth) 7. Basic CRUD System 8. Designing a Basic Data System for Your Game 9. Game Initialization 10. Turn Flow 11. Conflict Resolution 12. Map Design and Rendering 13. The Man Behind the Curtain- Determining Legal Moves 14. Scenario Design 15. Advanced Game Design - Making It Feel Real 16. Artificial Intelligence – Crafting a Digital Opponent 17. Next Steps Appendix A: Installation Appendix B. About the DVD


Paul Schuytema has written numerous game strategy books for Prima and Sybex and several technical game development books for Charles River Media. Schuytema has run a successful software development company that developed PC games, as well as a successful web development company that developed custom PHP CMS solutions. He was also a presenter at over a dozen Game Developer’s Conferences. He currently works for the City of Monmouth as well as mentoring several small entrepreneurial start-ups. He codes PHP in the CodeIgniter application framework on a daily basis.


The Web Wargame Toolkit is an exciting soup-to-nuts how-to book for those interested in crafting web game applications utilizing a basic LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) system. The book will walk readers through the process of crafting an old-school, turn-based wargame in PHP utilizing the CodeIgniter application framework.